Research Projects
TEACHActive: An Integrated Faculty Professional Model with Classroom Sensing
NSF Grant: Baran, E. (PI), Gilbert, S. (Co-PI), Karabulut-Ilgu, A. (Co-PI), & Jiang, S. (Co-PI). An Integrated Faculty Professional Development Model Using Classroom Sensing and Machine Learning to Promote Active Learning in Engineering Classrooms. National Science Foundation, 2020-2023
Role: Project Lead Research Assistant (Aug 2020- Present)
*Significantly contributed to the writing of this grant
Conceptualize and plan the project phases
Coordinate and implement project logistics
Design all data collection materials and procedures
Gather user requirements, conduct user walk-throughs
Coordinate the project logistics
Examine how engineering faculty make sense of analytics from their classrooms
Examine changes in faculty’s teaching beliefs and teaching actions
Analyze data and disseminate results/findings in conferences and journal articles
Prepare the progress report material
Human-Centered Design & Design Thinking
Innovative Teaching Initiative Grant. Baran, E. (PI), Crawford, D. (Co-PI), McKilligan, S. (Co-PI), & Eyles, J. (Co-PI) Create, Design, and Innovate Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship in Learning Technologies. College of Human Sciences
Role: Research Assistant (Aug 2019- May 2020)
Created the materials of four-week module implementation of design thinking and entrepreneurial mindset for educators.
Designed the data collection materials and procedures.
Examined preservice teachers’ change in conceptualizations and mindsets of ‘teachers as designers.’
Analyzed data and disseminate results/findings in conferences and journal articles.
Video Enhanced Observation(VEO) M-Observe
Miller Faculty Fellowship. Baran, E. (PI) & Bahng, E.J. (Co-PI). Video Enhanced Mobile Observation (VEO M-Observe): Mobile-App Supported Peer Observation and Feedback Pedagogy for Enhancing Preservice Teachers’ Reflective Practice.
Role: Research Assistant (Jan 2019- May 2020)
* Significantly contributed to the writing of this grant
Conceptualized the project and plan the project phases.
Designed data collection materials and procedures.
Trained preservice teachers on using VEO application and its features.
Integrated and customized VEO in a pedagogical model.
Examined preservice teachers’ acceptance of using VEO and their reflective-critical thinking.
Analyzed data and disseminated results/findings in conferences and journal articles.
Prepared the progress report
Baran, AlZoubi (2020)
Open Pedagogy in Higher Education
Role: Research Assistant (Jan 2019- Aug 2019)
Designed three open educational resources: an open online course on Canvas, a Wikibook on Aquatic Toxicology, and a Pressbook e-book on Learning Environments Design.
Miller Open Education Grant. Jovanovic, B. (PI) & Baran, E. (Co-PI). Creating an Open Wikibook for the Aquatic Toxicology Graduate Course.Examined the affordances and challenges of open pedagogy in three higher education courses.
Designed the data collection materials, conducted interviews.
Analyzed data and disseminated results/findings in conferences and journal articles.